Filling the spaces between races with compassion, conversation, and education
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1. Are you a BIPOC ? yesno
2. Do you actively live or socialize with BIPOC Communities? yesno
3. Have you experienced being the only person of your ethnicity in the room on a dozen or more occasions? yesno
4. Have you read more than 10 African American authors? yesno
5. Have your read more than 10 authors from the African diaspora? yesno
6. Can you discuss the relationship between Affirmative Action, BIPOC, non-binary, progressive stacking order, and White centering? yesno
7. Do you understand the intersectionality between BIPOC and LGBTQIA2S? yesno
8. Have you joined a social justice organization for Black people or advocated openly for Black people at work, socially or with a governmental agency? yesno
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