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Presented By: Donna Maxey and the City of Portland Office of Equity and Human Rights
A Step Towards Justice: Where Do We Go From Here?
RACE TALKS April Forum
Derek Chauvin’s guilty verdict provided our nation and community some relief as we approach the first anniversary of the murder of George Floyd. Like the rest of the country, Portland was shaken by Floyd’s killing, and it prompted our city to reexamine policing and systemic racism. In the spirit of collective healing, RACE TALKS invites you to join us for a special edition forum on Thursday, April 29, 6-8:30 p.m., where we continue to explore the P’s & Q’s of 2021.
Community leaders with widely varying perspectives will discuss topics of lawful gatherings, protest and policing, and quarantine. After the panel discussion, participants will be invited to either join the Community Feedback Breakout Rooms or a moderated Q&A. Anyone who attended the panel may stay for the moderated Q&A. The Community Feedback Breakout Rooms will be available to 150 participants only (registration will be first-come, first-served) and will allow the opportunity to provide invaluable feedback to city leaders. Join us in open dialogue to discuss how the year affected us all, and what we can do to move forward together in healing and conciliation.
Video of the live event will be available to view for 30 days after the event.