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Filling the spaces between races with compassion, conversation, and education
I am very grateful to have been invited to the RACE TALKS space, as well as the time, effort, and emotional labor given by the speakers when sharing their experiences and research. Though facilitated through Zoom, I immediately picked up on the sense of community that RACE TALKS has been fostering, and was glad to be able to discuss the ways in which I could be more effectively contributing to the dismantling white supremacy in my everyday practices.
— (April 2021)
I’m loving the intersectionality I’m seeing so far. Solidarity and connection between our various marginalized groups is so important and I’m glad to see that being built here.
— (Feb 2021)
I’ve gone to a few now and they’re always great. I used to not contribute that much and was just here to listen and learn but over time gained some confidence. It’s always a great place to share.
— (Feb 2021)
I have come to a number of RACE TALKS since it moved to Zoom and I continue to feel challenged each time. Sometimes I’m a little nervous because I know it’s not always possible to just sit back and not say anything, however I think it is always valuable to participate. I also think it’s good to make the white people get together and try to figure out what we’re going to do to work on eliminating white supremacy. It’s not a way we are challenged frequently.
— (April 2021)
Appreciated the different perspectives in the room, love the ways y’all prioritized folks in conversations.
— (January 2021)
RACE TALKS has been great, I’ve been coming for about a year and have really learned a lot from the experience! I also love supporting a locally based organization, and I’ve learned of many other great local advocacy groups and resources through coming to RACE TALKS.
— (Feb 2021)
Really enjoyed it. Looking forward to future talks and bringing others along as well to learn and grow together. I have a few out of town friends who would very much appreciate this.
— (Feb 2021)
I thought it was very well done and very organized and informative AND allowed those that wanted to speak to do so.
— (May 2021)
I love being in BIPOC only spaces (coming from my PWI here in Portland) and really enjoyed my breakout room discussion about what causes we are passionate about.
— (Feb 2021)
This was an amazing event. Thank you so much for coming to speak with all of us. I definitely need and want to learn more about the racial history and history of injustices in Portland.
— Lewis & Clark Fall 2020 New Student Orientation